Hi, I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10. The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:

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Saturday, December 5, 2015


I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:

Friday, October 2, 2015


Muhammad Ali did 3 years for skipping the draft. Micheal Vick did 3 years for fighting dogs. A trained officer did 3 months for murdering an unarmed black kid. Do the math.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

This Nation Under Fire

This Nation Under Fire
By Ezra C Turner
Expert Author Ezra C Turner
Want to know what's wrong? Our own airplanes attack us, shootings in our schools, bombings here, bombings there. Why do so many people hate this country? Perhaps we're not the people we claim to be. Let's take a look. I'm considered an African American. I ve never been to Africa in my life. For that matter, I've never been to another country, yet I can't be considered an American.
Bombings, Bombings, Bombings. Well we pay them to come here, we pay them to stay here, we pay them to learn here, so I guess we pay them to destroy here.
Why do we do so much for other countries and so little for our own? We feed other hungry nations when we have hungry and homeless right here. We employ many in other nations, yet like many I am unemployed here. Oh I forgot, I'm considered an African American, you think I'll ever be an American?
Are we truly the people we claim to be? Home of the free, land of the brave. I think not! Let's just take a look at us. Well I'm an unemployed (AFRICAN AMERICAN), Once upon a time invited to Presidential diners. (Statistic), used to own a 700k plus home. No more! now just unemployed, Oh did I mention (AFRICAN AMERICAN).
Let's get too the bottom line. Are we the nation we claim to have been? No! Why? Well we have successfully taken prayer out of our schools! we are pleading to remove (IN GOD WE TRUST) from our currency, We are slowly to use your Christmas term, (XING) God out. What is a nation or anything without God?
Now let's get real deep here! What's really wrong?
We have political leaders that use one platform to get elected and another to stay in office. Politicians should not go to church to gain votes! go because you believe! If you don't believe, don't go What really hurts me is, our politicians use the religious platform to help them get elected then forget what got them there. Seriously, how can you expect a country to be true if the leaders are not?
Let's use me for an example, I'm a Christian, vote for me. Now I'm king of the hill, I owe you nothing. Oh! guess what! let's give gays rights. Now I ask you,(IN GOD WE TRUST) Why would I vote for a right to make sin free?
Need we talk about a country with healthcare that not many can afford? And what about all these senseless murders of young black children by so called trained officers. Let's just use 1 example. Why does a kid handcuffed, face down on pavement need to be tased? Forget I thought I had my taser, instead I had my gun, what was the need to be tased? 13 months maybe. You figure it out. A simple solution, KJV. 2nd Chronicles 7.14

Thursday, September 3, 2015


  Thank you Bush's, for an economic financial state. I thought that was bad for the country. But wooooo, thank you Obama for a gay state. Under a black Christians watch, oh that was just for votes. Look out America, change is here.

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Friday, July 17, 2015


    Our government has completely overruled GOD'S plan of Adam and Eve, ok Steve, step up. I'm beginning to see why so many other countries hate us so, we say we believe in one thing but show another. IN GOD WE TRUST. Oh, that's what our government put on our money. What a joke.

Monday, June 29, 2015


   Well we take prayer out of school, noticed the attacks? We petition to take In God We Trust off our money. Are you aware that prior to 911, there was a certain  way you could fold the $10 7 $20 dollar bills that showed the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on fire. Now we blast a man for admitting he use to live a gay lifestyle, proving what we all know, that being gay is a choice not a right. Look out America, 911 was just a firecracker.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


I believe in my last post I stated it's time to go back to in God we trust, that's what's printed on our money. It seems as though we only trust in the money. That's not the answer to our problems. There's a simple solution, it can be found in 2nd Chronicles 7,& 14. Look it up.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Seriously! Aren't we going backwards? I heard a national poll the other day the number of Christians are declining, and atheist is growing in this country, and you wonder why we're having so much trouble. It's time to get back to in God we trust.

   While you're here, enjoy the video and browse the ads to find an opportunity for you.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015


Hey! follow the ads here to find the perfect opportunity for you.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Never made money online! Here it is. Great for newbies.
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Sunday, February 15, 2015


I must admit I'm not really surprised about all these claims, I believe a lot of stars used their authority to persuade lessor stars in those days. Not just on minors, but adults as well.

2 must join sites if you want to make money online:
Check them out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015




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I must admit I was rooting for the Seahawks. After all, I've liked them even in their old AFC days.
However I lost a little respect for them for fighting at the end. I would have gained a ton of respect if they had jumped on their head coach. Tell me what you think!

(HEY)! You can make money here without spending a PENNY.

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Friday, January 30, 2015


  Did you hear the commissioner's statement? (I'm not sure there's a violation). How can this be? Moreover how is everyone overlooking this statement? Hasn't it already been established that 11 balls were deflated? S-H-E-R-M-A-N   may be on to something about that relationship. Another thing, he stated he was just attending the championship party with the Patriots, didn't the Seahawks have a championship party? Sherman; I believe you're right, this is favoritism.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


    As Americans we have the right of free speech.  As a National Football Player, they don't have the right that we would like to extend to many. (SHUT UP:)

Monday, January 26, 2015


     I know we all get annoyed with telemarketing calls, but what you think about these automated telemarketing calls? You know, the ones that call you answer the phone and wait for them to connect or, an automated voice say please hold while I connect your call. Heck, I didn't make a call. Why don't everyone do like I do. I wait for them to connect, then I hang up. Don't waste my time.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


  I must admit, there's not a lot of excitement in the PRO BOWL, but under this current format it's even less exciting. Who get's to brag; Irvin, Carter? I have favorite teams in both conferences, but as most fans, I prefer one over the other. Let team Irvin choose players from the N.F.C. and team Carter choose from the A.F.C. or vice-versa, at least the conferences as well as the fans can have bragging rights. I can't say your team won because of my conferences players. Let's here it fans, what you think?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


PATRIOTS!  Hum; Perhaps that will explain such a lop sided score.